Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Well, at least we know someone at BT still has some balls!

"BT is investigating claims that one of its engineers had sex with a lesbian student who auctioned her virginity for £8,400." Read this article at The Register.

Article on the lesbian in question is here.

While we're on The Register, this is kind of entertaining, too.

Well, I suppose, a 44 year-old BT engineer didn't "cure" our hapless lesbian student of anything but her virginity. In this article, she says "It was horrible. I hate the way men kiss."

But if she's a lesbian, how does she know how "men" kiss? Does she periodically get a guy to kiss her "just to check"?

"Nope, nope! I don't like his kiss, either!"

And another thing: what's the definition of virginity for a lesbian? It can hardly be the same as for a heterosexual woman, can it?

But let's return to the original subject of this story. Allegedly a 44 year-old divorced father of two from SE London who worked as a BT engineer, paid this woman UKP 8400 to lose her virginity to him.

She put her virginity up for auction on eBay and then on her own website. She accepted the money. She has sold her story to the newspapers.

Now she's being portrayed as some innocent victim of a horrible monster who made her feel bad and she cried afterwards.

I bet rape victims everywhere are dancing for joy. What wonderful "journalists" and editorial direction the News of the World has.

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