Thursday, March 18, 2004

Stop the insanity!

Oh dear. I suppose it had to happen sooner or later but, puleeeeze!

Thanks to Joss for this "valuable" submission.

Your Penis: A User's Guide is available from Amazon books. No, seriously.

Says here, "While there are many books and manuals that deal with women’s health issues, men’s health has long been a neglected topic.". Come on! Are you kidding me? Men scratch the inside of their nose during their half-hourly snot-dig session and they're off work for a week. The only reason men think their health is ignored is because they never talk about it, never want to visit the doctor and, most certainly, never read about it. Unless, heaven forbid, they're metrosexuals.

It's at times like this we can be thankful for Amazon's brilliant "Customers who bought this book also bought:" section.

It seems the following valuable tomes are also available: The Book of the Penis, Out in the Open: The Complete Male Pelvis and Facts & Phalluses : A Collection Of Bizarre & Intriguing Truths, Legends, & Measurements.

Strange, I don't recall anyone asking for my expert advice for any of these. I doubt they're any good.

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